About Lymphatic Detoxification



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About Acupressure

指壓按摩是穴位按摩治療法。人體十四經脈的穴道總數共 361個,奇穴具有特別的治療效果,故稱奇穴,總數共152個。新穴約 1500 個,並且陸續增加中。阿是穴是局部疼痛治療的部位,因此沒有固定的穴位及數目。


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About Cellulite Slimming Massage

Cellulite/Slimming Massage uses anti-cellulite massage oil to eliminate cellulite progressively..

Cellulite/Slimming Massage is using some special anti-cellulite massage oil and special massage techniques to eliminate cellulite by smoothing the dermis and redistributing fat cells as well as stimulating the circulatory system. It is a treatment for cellulite, excess weight, edema and swelling. It helps to do away with excess fat around the thighs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, arms and other problem areas. It also helps to increase the basal metabolism; eliminate the adipose layers; and refirm the bundle of muscles as well as tighten the skin.

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About Foot Reflexology


腳底按摩的益處 :
1. 促進人體血液循環順暢、疏通循環管道之障礙。
2. 排泄體內有害毒素雜質,加強新陳代謝功能。
3. 調節氣血、改善體質,增強免疫力活化細胞。
4. 刺激腸胃蠕動、幫助消化吸收,與排瀉正常。
5. 強化內分泌之平衡,養顏美容,預防疾病產生。
6. 維護器官功能正常,與各個器官系統間的協調。
7. 緩和趨於緊張之系統,增強肌肉舒展,保持青春。
8. 增進生長發育與緩和退化機能強化神經反射,進而達到器官功能正常化。

1. 糖尿病患者若要按摩時,要注意不能按破皮,否則破皮後傷口很難癒合。
2. 心臟病、高血壓正在發作時,若要按摩力道要慢,而且動作要輕揉。
3. 飯後若要作足部按摩,需休三十分鐘後在做,且在胃腸反射區不可用 力過大。
4. 肝不好之患者、肝臟反射區不能按太久,要加強腎臟反射區按摩,以利體內毒素排出。
5. 孕婦請不要任意施壓或大力施壓,以免造成流產而終生遺憾。
6. 瀉肚子時直腸、肛門不能按太久,要從大腸反射區加強按摩使水份能大量吸收。
7. 按摩足部任何的反射區,按摩結束後均要加強按摩泌尿系統,以促進體內毒素及晶塊快


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About Shanghainese

"Shanghainese Pedicure is a full series of professional foot services."

Shanghainese Pedicure is a full series of professional foot services. It includes toenails trim and shaving of dead skin. It is especially appropriate for ladies who often wear high-heels and people who have rough heels, or resupinate toenails requiring special foot care.

Relax, Enjoy, Destress at FOOT today!

About NuSkin Body Treatment

With the pulsating galvanic current designated for body skin and the proprietary, large ageLOC® conductive surface, ageLOC® Galvanic Body Spa® delivers 10 times more key ageLOC® ingredients to your skin when used with ageLOC® Body Shaping Gel. Ergonomically designed instrument can better follow the contours of the body during the treatments, and allow you to enjoy contouring, smoothing, and firming benefits all in a luxurious spa experience. Apply ageLOC® Dermatic Effects® Body Contouring Lotion every day for optimized firming result!

Treatment includes:

  • Service of a qualified therapist with company owned treatment machines:
  • ageLOC Galvanic Body Spa
  • ageLOC Galvanic Spa System II
  • Nu Skin Products:
  • 1 pcs of ageLOC Body Shaping Gel
  • 1 pcs of ageLOC Dermatic Effects Body Contouring Lotion

FOOT's mission is to provide #1 Services! Visit us today!

About Lymphatic Detoxification

Lymphatic Drainage Full Body Massage/Detoxification uses special oils and techniques to aid in removal of toxins from the body.

Lymphatic Drainage Full Body Massage is using special oils and lymphatic drainage techniques to aid the removal of toxins from the body usually caused by an unhealthy and stressfull lifestyle. This massage technique will remove any tiredness stress and water retention, leaving your body totally refreshed.

In the detoxification process, massage helps to move toxins out of cells and improves the internal biological configuration for a healthier cellular function. It can increase the body's natural flow of lymph by stimulating lymphatic circulation thus detoxifying the body and enhancing the functions of the immune system.

Lymphatic drainage massage may be helpful if you have swelling of your face, neck, upper arm, thigh, or torso. Lymphatic massage is beneficial for clients suffering from lack of energy, a sluggish immune system, emotional depression and stress, and sports related injuries.

Other applications include:

  • Skin Disorders including Acne, Eczema, Poor Complexion
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Edema - swelling of all kinds
  • Tension headaches
  • Allergies
  • Insomnia
  • Circulatory Problems

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